Sándor Hites

Dr. Hites Sándor

E-mai: hites.sandor [@] btk.mta.hu

Directorul Departamentului de Secol 19. al Institutului de Studii Literare din Budapesta (fostul Institut de Studii Literare al Academiei Maghiare de Științe, este editor al revistei Helikon (revistă de teorie literară al Academiei Maghiare de Științe)şi director asociat al revistei Hungarian Studies (editat de Akadémiai Kiadó).

În 2005 şi-a obţinut doctoratul în studii literare la Universitatea Loránd Eötvös.

Din 1992 este membru al Institutul de Studii Literare al Academiei Maghiare de Științe, este profesor asociat, ELTE BTK Magyar Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Intézet. Între anul academic 2003-2004 şi din 2007 este profesor asociat, Miskolci Egyetem BTK Magyar Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományi Intézet. În 2009 a fost Visiting Professor la University of London, Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies. În 2012 a primit un research fellow de la University of Edinburgh, Institute for Advanced Studies. Între 2012 şi 2013 a fost visiting professor al UBB la Facultatea de Litere şi, în perioada 2015-2017, a fost visiting professor la  University of Toronto, Munk School of Global Affairs, Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies.

Este membru în asociații profesionale prestigioase ca Nemzetközi Magyarságtudományi Társaság / Asociația Internațională de Hungarologie(din 2005), International Comparative Literature Association (din 2010), Modern Language Association (din 2011), OTKA Magyar irodalomtörténet (2011–2013), OTKA Publikációs Bizottság (2014–2015).

Pe parcursul carierei sale academice a primit premii şi granturi prestigioase. Pe lângă visinting fellows menţionate, a obţinut: MTA Bolyai-ösztöndíj (2006–2009), MTA BTK főigazgatói elismerés (2014) şi Lendület (Momentum) Research Group leader (2019-2024).

2019 – Grupa de Cercetare ’Political Economy of Literature

Publicații științifice (listă selectivă din ultimi 5 ani)

  • National internationalism in late 19th-century utopias by Mór Jókai, Edward Bellamy, and William Morris WORLD LITERATURE STUDIES 13 : 2 pp. 69-80, 12 p. (2021).
  • Between Social Duty and the Greed of Giving: On Philanthrocapitalism and Gift-Patriotism COMPARATIVE LITERATURE STUDIES 56 : 3 pp. 469-486, 18 p. (2019).
  • “Jón Karl Helgason and Marijan Dović, Eds. Great Immortality. Studies on European Cultural Sainthood. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019. Pp. 353 + Xxv. ISBN: 9789004364295.”LITERARY RESEARCH / RECHERCHE LITTERAIRE 36 (2): 219–225.
  • “Between Social Duty and the Greed of Giving: On Philanthrocapitalism and Gift-Patriotism.” COMPARATIVE LITERATURE STUDIES 56 (3): 469–486.
  • “Jókai És a 19. Századi Pénzválságok.” IRODALMI MAGAZIN 7 (1): 35–38.
  • “Hogyan Legyünk Idegenek? George Mikes És Az Emigráció Antropológiája..” In Narratíva, Kánon, Fordítás : Tanulmányok Szegedy-Maszák Mihály Emlékére, 245–266.
  • and Nóra Veszprémi. 2018. “Dress, Design: Hungarian.” In Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 1059–1061.
  • “Text Editions: Hungarian.” In Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 1064–1066.
  • “Language Interest: Hungarian.” In Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 1051–1054.
  • “Petőfi, Sándor.” In Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 480–483.
  • “Commemorations, Festivals : Hungarian.” In Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 1069–1071.
  • “National Museum / National Library: Hungary.” In Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 1075–1077.
  • “Előszó Tolnai Lajos Regényéhez.” In Új Föld, Új Szerencse, 6–12. Reakció.
  • “How to Begin and How to End National Narratives?” In Kősziklára Építve. Built Upon His Rock, 163–170.
  • “Jókai, Mór.” In Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 366–368.
  • “Universities/ University Chairs: Hungary.” In Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 1071–1072.
  • “Publishing Ventures/periodicals: Hungary.” In Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 1072–1073.
  • “Political and Cultural Nationalism: Hungary.” In Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 1049–1051.
  • “Cultural Sociability: Hungary.” In Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, 1073–1075.
  • “How to Be an Alien: George Mikes’s Anthropology of Emigration.” PRIMERJALNA KNJIZEVNOST 40 (3): 87–113.
  • “A Pénz Fátyla, Avagy a Monetáris Reprezentációról Néhány 19. Századi Regényben.”ALFÖLD: IRODALMI MŰVÉSZETI ÉS KRITIKAI FOLYÓIRAT 68 (2): 86–94.
  • “A Realizmus Korai Magyar Fogalomtörténetéről.” IRODALOMTÖRTÉNET 97(3): 263–299.
  • “On Monetary and Literary Fictions.” NEOHELICON 43 (2): 427–443.doi:10.1007/s11059-016-0354-9.
  • “Mediation and Hybridity.” In Worlds of Hungarian Writing, 123–142.
  • “Az Irodalomtörténészek Móresre Tanítása 1846-Ban.” In „Inkább Figyeld Talán AzIrodalmat”, 49–52.
  • “„Pedig Én Is Ott Voltam!” Széchenyi István És a Jövő Előrejelzése.” In Az IdőParadoxonai, 13–22.
  • “Magyar Irodalom a 19. Században.” IRODALOMTÖRTÉNETI KÖZLEMÉNYEK 119(5): 651–692.
  • “Az Irodalom És a Gazdaság Valóságáról És Fiktivitásáról.” In Tény És Fikció, 131–163.
  • “A Pénz Mint Papír És Írás: Jókai Esete a Bankjegyekkel 1848-Ban.” In “…író LeszekÉs Semmi Más…,” 63–81.